8th Regiment Co A

Contributed by Bob Stokley

This company was from Pasquotank County and was mustered in at Camp Macon, near 
Warrenton, Warren County, September 14, 1861, as Company A. After joining the 
regiment the company functioned as a part of the regiment, and its history for the was 
period is recorded as a part of the regimental history.

Field and Staff
Shaw, Henry M
Whitson, James M
Walton, T G

Lieutenant Colonels
Price, William J
Williamson, George
Hinton, James W
Murchison, John Reed
Barrier, Rufus A

MacRae, Henry
Yellowley, Edward C
Rogers, Andrew J

Cherry, Joseph B
Williamson, Walter S

Assistant Quartermaster
Grandy, Cyrus W

Assistant Commissaries of Subsistence
Trader, Henry G
Lee, Jesse B

Ritter, Henry P
Kennedy, Stiles

Assistant Surgeons
Baxter, Joseph J
Almond, Andrew J

Overby, R R
Cheatham, H C

Perkins, Francis J
Barnhardt, Jacob R
Fisher, John V

Sergeants Major
Thornton, Luther J
Halsey, William L
Crutchfield, Felix Grundy

Quartermaster Sergeant
Hunter, William Wallace

Commissary Sergeants
Worthington, D
Rice, Ignatius
Abbott, John K

Ordnance Sergeants
Russ, Charles D
Etheridge, Josiah R

Hospital Steward
Fearing, Henry M

Barker, Cicero R


Hinton, James W.--born in Pasquotank County where he resided as an attorney prior to enlisting 
at age 34. Appointed Captain to rank from May 16, 1861, Captured at Roanoke February 8, 1862, 
and paroled at Elizabeth City on February 21, 1862; exchanged in August, 1862; promoted to major 
and transferred to the Field and Staff of the 8th Regiment.

Bagley, William H. -- born in Perquimans County; promoted to Captain to Rank from October 25, 
1862; promoted to Major on July 8, 1863 and transferred to the 68th Regiment
N.C. Troops

Sawyer, Daniel A. -- born in Pasquotank County where he resided as a farmer prior to enlisting at 
the age of 24. Appointed 2nd Lieutenant to rank from May 16, 1861; captured at Roanoke Island 
on February 8, 1862, and paroled at Elizabeth City on February 21, 1862; exchanged in August, 
1862; appointed to 1st Lieutenant to rank from October 25, 1862 and promoted to Captain to rank 
from July 8, 1863. Present or accounted for until wounded in the leg on the Weldon Railroad, 
Petersburg, Va. August 19, 1864; paroled at Greensboro on May 1, 1865.

Bagley, Stephen Decatur J 2nd Lieutenant
Baker, John 2nd Lieutenant
Butt, Thaddeus W 2nd Lieutenant
Spence, Joseph T 1st Lieutenant

Noncommissioned Officers and Privates

*   indicates soldier was born in Pasquotank County
** indicates soldier was born elsewhere but resided in Pasquotank County

For further information on each enlisted man go to North Carolina Troops:1861-1865, compiled by 
Weymouth Jordan. 

Abbot, John K. -- Private
Abbot, William H. -- Private
Bailey, Andrew J. -- Private*
Ballance, John -- Private**
Banks, James M. -- Private*
Barber, William H. -- Private**
Barnes, Stephen D. -- Private*
Benson, James -- Private*
Betts, William W. -- Private*
Boyce, Marshall P. -- Corporal**
Brite, George W. -- Sergeant*
Brite, John -- Private*
Brite, Thomas -- Private*
Britt, William C. -- Private
Brothers, James -- Private*
Brothers, John N. -- Corporal*
Brothers, Richard T. -- Private*
Brown, William -- Private*
Buffkin, Jordan W. -- Private*
Bundy, James A. -- Private*
Bundy, Rex, Jr. -- Private*
Cartwright, Joseph -- Private*
Chance, William F. -- Private**
Charles, Benjamin H. -- Private*
Childrey, Virginius A. V. -- Musician**
Commander, Miles -- 1st Sergeant*
Cook, Joshua -- Private**
Coppage, William F. -- Private**
Crisp, John W. -- Private*
Culp, William E. -- Private
Custis, Samuel C. -- Private
Davis, Robert -- Private**
Edney, Samuel R. -- Sergeant*
Etheridge, Josiah R. -- Private
Etheridge, William H. -- Private*
Evans, Daniel -- Private*
Farrel, William H. -- Private*
Fletcher, Benjamin F. -- Private
Fletcher, Montgomery -- Private*
Forbes, John -- Private*
Foster, James A. -- Private**
Green, William H. -- Private*
Grey, Thomas E. -- Private**
Halsey, William L. -- Private*
Harris, John -- Private**
Hatfield, Joshua -- Private**
Hinton, Joseph N. -- 1st Sergeant*
Hoffman, Benjamin -- Private**
Hollowell, Hezekiah -- Private**
Hollowell, John A. -- Private*
Houghton, William -- Private*
Hunter, William Wallace -- Quartermaster Sergeant
Jones, Elisha H. -- Private*
Jones, John W. -- Private
Keeter, Franklin -- Private*
Keeter, Griffin -- Private*
Land, Edmund W. -- Private*
Lane, Amos -- Private**
McDonald, Augustus A. -- Private**
McPherson, Timothy W. -- Corporal*
Morgan, Abner -- Sergeant*
Morgan, Anthony W. -- Private**
Morgan Frederick M. -- Private*
Morgan, Jesse -- Private*
Morgan, Seth, Jr. -- Private*
Morris, Robert H. -- Private*
Morris, William P. -- Private**
Munden, Morgan -- Private*
Nichols, John -- Private
Nobles, John A. -- Sergeant**
Overman, Ephraim -- Private*
Overman, William H. -- Private
Paine, Matthias -- Private**
Parker, James C. -- Sergeant*
Perkins, Francis J. -- Sergeant
Perry, William H. -- Private*
Poole, Theodore W. -- Private**
Powers, Frederick -- Private**
Powers, Jordan -- Private**
Price, Joseph H. -- Private*
Rhodes, William B. -- Private
Riggs, Isaac -- Private**
Riggs, Joseph -- Private**
Roach, Abraham -- Negro Cook
Roberts, William -- Private*
Sawyer, John R. -- Private*
Sawyer, Kenneth R.P. -- Sergeant
Simmons, William H. -- Private**
Slattery, Patrick -- Private
Smith, John W. -- Sergeant**
Smithson, Miles -- Private**
Smithson, William -- Private**
Spence, Abel -- Private*
Spence, David -- Corporal*
Spence, Frank B. -- Musician
Spence, John -- Private
Spence, Joseph N. -- Private
Spence, Rencher -- Private 
Stanley, James A. -- Private
Stokely, Charles L. -- Sergeant*
Stokely, Henry C. -- Corporal*
Swank, William L. -- Musician
Temple, John -- Private*
Temple, Miles -- Private
Temple, Timothy B. -- Private*
Temple, Wilson S. -- Private*
Thornton, John -- Private*
Walker, George W. -- Corporal**
Weeks, James W. -- Private**
White, George A. -- Private*
Whittemore, Benjamin F. -- Private*
Williams, Job C. -- Private*
Williams, William Franklin --Private*
Williams, Willis -- Private**
Williams, Wilson -- Private*
Wilson, Halsey F. -- Private **
Wood, John T. -- Private*
Wood, William T. Private*

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