Please visit the North Carolina State Archives for more information. Guide to Research Materials in the North Carolina Archives County Records PASQUOTANK COUNTY Established by 1670 as a precinct of Albemarle County. Many early records are missing; reason unknown. ORIGINAL RECORDS BONDS Apprentice Bonds and Records, 1716-1898; 10 volumes, 2 Fibredex boxes. Bastardy Bonds and Records, 1740-1917; 3 Fibredex boxes. Constables’ Bonds, 1737, 1785-1880; 1 volume, 2 Fibredex boxes. Officials’ Bonds, 1741-1882; 1 Fibredex box. Ordinary Bonds, 1766-1867; 1 Fibredex box. Sheriffs’ Bonds, 1741-1882; 1 Fibredex box. COURT RECORDS County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Minutes, 1737-1868; 19 volumes. Appearance Dockets, 1845-1868; 3 volumes. Execution Dockets, 1755-1862, 1866-1868; 23 volumes. Petition Docket, 1856-1868; 1 volume. State Dockets, 1785-1791, 1798-1868; 4 volumes. Reference (Trial) and Appearance Dockets, 1700, 1755-1765; 3 volumes. Trial, Appearance and Reference Dockets, 1765-1824; 11 volumes. Trial, Appearance, Reference and Petition Dockets, 1819-1857; 12 volumes. Trial Dockets, 1856-1862, 1866-1868; 2 volumes. Clerk’s Account Book, 1790-1808; 1 volume. Superior Court Minutes, 1807-1861, 1866-1922; 10 volumes. Equity Minutes, 1822-1868; 2 volumes. Equity Execution Docket, 1824-1831; 1 volume. Equity Trial Docket, 1822-1850; 1 volume. Execution Dockets, 1822-1868; 2 volumes. State Dockets, 1807-1869; 3 volumes. Trial and Appearance Dockets, 1807-1881; 5 volumes. Civil Action Papers, 1712-1925; 89 Fibredex boxes. Civil Action Papers Concerning Land, 1756-1922; 14 Fibredex boxes. Criminal Action Papers, 1729-1919; 13 Fibredex boxes. Miscellaneous Court Records, 1721-1897; 1 Fibredex box. ELECTION RECORDS Record of Elections, 1878-1920; 3 volumes. Voter Registration Books, 1892, 1900; 15 volumes. Voter Registration Challenge Book, no date; 1 volume. ESTATES RECORDS Record of Estates (Accounts and Settlements), 1795-1868; 14 volumes. Record of Accounts, 1868-1919; 6 volumes. Accounts of Sale of Estates, 1797-1868; 8 volumes. Administrators’ Bonds, 1798-1868, 1881-1907; 17 volumes. Estates Records, 1712-1931; 202 Fibredex boxes. Guardians’ Records, 1719-1931; 25 Fibredex boxes. Guardians’ Accounts (Orphans’ Court), 1757-1797; 2 volumes. Guardians’ Bonds, 1798-1896; 18 volumes. Inventories of Estates, 1797-1854; 2 volumes. Record of Settlements, 1868-1920; 3 volumes. Fiduciary Account Book, 1808-1828; 1 volume. LAND RECORDS Record of Deeds, 1700-1786; 7 volumes. Deeds, 1666-1947; 11 Fibredex boxes. Miscellaneous Deeds, 1723-1948; 6 Fibredex boxes. Ejectments, 1746-1901; 2 Fibredex boxes. Land Entry Books, 1778-1793, 1831-1838; 2 volumes. Tax Levies on Land, 1874-1899; 1 volume. Attachments, Executions, Levies and Liens on Land, 1801-1917; 2 Fibredex boxes. Land Drainage Records, 1765-1878; 1 Fibredex box. Miscellaneous Land Records, 1694-1946; 2 Fibredex boxes, 1 oversized manuscript box. Petitions to Divide and Sell Land and Reports of Sale, 1744-1904; 2 Fibredex boxes. Record of Probate of Deeds and Mortgages, 1903-1915; 1 volume. MARRIAGE, DIVORCE AND VITAL STATISTICS Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868; 3 Fibredex boxes. Record of Cohabitation, 1866-1867; 1 volume. Births, Deaths, Marriages, Brands and Flesh Marks, 1691-1822; 2 volumes. Divorce Records, 1838-1919; 10 Fibredex boxes. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS County Accounts, Buildings and Correspondence, 1752-1896; 2 Fibredex boxes. Insolvent Debtors, 1744-1877; 8 Fibredex boxes. Loyalty Oaths, 1865; 2 volumes. Orders and Decrees, 1869-1911; 4 volumes. Minutes, Wardens of the Poor, 1807-1868; 2 volumes. Personal Accounts, 1730-1899; 1 Fibredex box. Powers of Attorney, 1711-1907; 1 Fibredex box. Promissory Notes, 1720-1920; 2 Fibredex boxes. Miscellaneous Records, 1703-1940; 7 Fibredex boxes. Records of Slaves and Free Persons of Color, 1733-1892; 2 Fibredex boxes. Records Concerning Elizabeth City, 1828-1918; 5 Fibredex boxes. Records of Assignees, Receivers and Trustees, 1801-1922; 4 Fibredex boxes. OFFICIALS, COUNTY Records of Justices of the Peace, 1720-1896; 1 Fibredex box. Minutes, Board of Justices of the Peace, 1878-1882; 1 volume. ROADS AND BRIDGES Road Records, 1734-1920; 4 Fibredex boxes. Railroad Records, 1875-1921; 6 Fibredex boxes. SCHOOL RECORDS Minutes, County Board of Education, 1872-1885; 1 volume. School Records, 1757-1914; 3 Fibredex boxes. TAX AND FISCAL RECORDS Tax Lists, 1735-1882; 7 volumes, 3 Fibredex boxes. Miscellaneous Tax Records, 1785-1912; 2 Fibredex boxes. Poll Tax Record, 1914-1918; 1 volume. WILLS Record of Wills, 1752-1792; 3 volumes. Wills, 1709-1917; 20 Fibredex boxes. MICROFILM RECORDS BONDS Apprentice Bonds, 1798-1898; 2 reels. Apprentice Bonds for Negroes, 1842-1861; 1 reel. CORPORATIONS AND PARTNERSHIPS Record of Partnerships, 1917-1960; 1 reel. COURT RECORDS County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Minutes, 1737-1868; 5 reels. Superior Court Minutes, 1807-1908; 3 reels. Equity Minutes, 1822-1868; 1 reel. ELECTION RECORDS Record of Elections, 1878-1960; 1 reel. ESTATES RECORDS Accounts of Sale of Estates, 1797-1868; 4 reels. Administrators’ and Guardians’ Accounts, 1803-1834; 2 reels. Record of Accounts, 1868-1919; 3 reels. Administrators’ Bonds, 1865-1868, 1881-1904; 1 reel. Record of Administrators, 1913-1943; 1 reel. Record of Executors, 1915-1960; 1 reel. Guardians’ Accounts, 1757-1866; 6 reels. Guardians’ Bonds, 1798-1896; 5 reels. Widows’ Year’s Support, 1881-1960; 1 reel. Inventories of Estates, 1795-1854; 1 reel. Record of Settlements, 1868-1928, 1956-1960; 2 reels. LAND RECORDS Record of Deeds, 1700-1910; 35 reels. Index to Deeds, Grantor, 1700-1915; 2 reels. Index to Deeds, Grantee, 1700-1915; 1 reel. Land Entry Books, 1778-1793, 1831-1838; 1 reel. Record of Land Division, 1793-1885; 1 reel. Map Book, 1940-1960; 1 reel. MARRIAGE, DIVORCE AND VITAL STATISTICS Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868; 2 reels. Marriage Licenses, 1867-1960; 29 reels. Marriage Registers, 1865-1960; 3 reels. General Index to Marriages, 1865-1960; 4 reels. Record of Cohabitation, 1866-1867; 1 reel. Maiden Names of Divorced Women, 1937-1959; 1 reel. Births, Deaths, Marriages, Brands and Flesh Marks, 1691-1822; 1 reel. Record of Deaths, 1903-1911; 1 reel. Index to Deaths, 1903-1982; 2 reels. MILITARY AND PENSION RECORDS Index to Armed Forces Discharges, 1920-1982; 1 reel. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Orders and Decrees, 1869-1915; 3 reels. Index to Orders and Decrees, Plaintiff, 1869-1960; 1 reel. Index to Orders and Decrees, Defendant, 1869-1960; 1 reel. Minutes, Wardens of the Poor, 1807-1868; 1 reel. OFFICIALS, COUNTY Minutes, Board of County Commissioners, 1868-1906; 2 reels. TAX AND FISCAL RECORDS Tax Lists, 1797-1897, 1905, 1915, 1925; 15 reels. Tax Levies, 1874-1899; 1 reel. WILLS Record of Wills, 1752-1966; 7 reels. Original Wills, 1720-1804; 3 reels. Cross Index to Wills, 1766-1966; 1 reel.
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