This company, known as the "Independent Greys" was from Pasquotank County and enlisted at Elizabeth City on April 23, 1861. The company was then mustered into state service and assigned to this regiment as Company A. (It was also designated as Company B for a time but its final designation was Company A.) Mostof the company was captured at Fort Hatteras on August 29, 1861. Those men who escaped capture were attached to Company E of this regiment. Those who were captured were confined at Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, until transferred to Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. Some were paroled on December 17, 1861; the remainder were paroled on January 25, 1862. The parolees were officially exchanged on February 20, 1862. The company was transferred to the 32nd Regiment NC Troops (Special Orders No. 42, Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, Richmond) the same day and became 1st Company B of that regiment. The company was officially mustered out of this regiment on April 1, 1862. Field and Staff Colonel Martin, William F Lieutenant Colonel Johnston, George W Majors Gilliam, Henry A Hill, Gaberiel H Adjutants Poole, John W Gilliam, Thomas H Quartermaster Jordan, Matthew O Assistant Quartermasters Fearing, Isaiah Godwin, J B Surgeons Windley, Samuel Brown, Wyatt M Assistant Surgeons Pool, William E Saunders, Lancaster K Chaplain Vaughan, Maurice Hamilton Sergeant Major Bradford, D Bartlett Quartermaster Sergeant Butt, A L Jr Commissary Sergeant Stokes, William F Chief Musician Gurkin, Charles Officers Captain Cohoon, John Thomas P.C. Lieutenants Fatherly, M W 2nd Lieutenant White, Alexander P J. 1st Lieutenant Hoy, John W J 2nd Lieutenant Noncommissioned Officers and Privates Bailey, Charles Bailey, John A Baker, Benjamin F., Cpl Baker, John Thomas Barber, William H Basnight, Willoughby B Boyce, William A Brady, William A Bray, William P Bright, Daniel Bright, Dozier Bright, Jonathan Brothers, Thomas, Cpl Brothers, Willis A Cartwright, Isiah Cartwright, Robert M Clark, Benjamin F Clark, Samuel B Cohn, Adolph J Coppersmith, William M Cornell, Joseph H Dailey, Fabius, F Dashiel, Julius C Davis, Charles Davis, Charles, Musician Davis, George R Davis, John S Davis, Joseph Davis, Malachi Davis, Riddick Del Auzanne, William C L Dozier, Joseph H Emmett, John, Sgt. Farrow, Joseph H Forbes, Wilson M Foster, Stanford L Green, William H Halstead, John Harris, Levi Hines, Leonard P Horton, John Horton, Oliver C Jackson, Joseph H Jackson, Lemual, Cpl. Jackson, Malachi James, Thomas Jennings, Daniel Kale, Thomas A Lewis, William Lyon, John B 1st Sgt. McCabe, Joseph T, Musician Madrin, Thomas Mathews, James Meads, Samuel T Midgett, James D Miller, William Morgan, Charles Morris, Nathan Overman, Benjamin F Overman, Ephraim Palmer, John L Perry, Thomas D Phelps, Henry Phelps, Jesse Poyner, Samuel Pritchard, Charles Rhodes, Jesse M Rhodes, Marmaduke C Rhodes, Samuel M Riggs, Joseph Roberts, William Rollinson, John R Roper, William Sammons, Willoughby Sawyer, Ebenezer W., Cpl Sawyer, George Sawyer, Joel S Sawyer, William B Scott, James Simpson, Isaac Smith, Charles Smithson, William Tamplin, Thomas H., 1st Sgt. Tarkington, Henry A Taylor, John Temple, Miles Tolston, George W Walker, William B Weeks, Pender Weymouth, James D Whedbee, John B White, Israel P White, Stephen D Williams, James B Williams, William D Ziegler, John H, Musician
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